Summer Meals Resources

Every summer, locations all across the city are offering free meals to Rochester youth 18 and younger, but many city residents don't know about this great resource. Help us spread the word online and with those you come in contact with every day.

Ways you can help:

  1. Download our free Summer Meals resources below.

  2. Print and display flyers and cards around your organization where they will be visible to visitors.

  3. Ask staff and volunteers to distribute cards to visitors or around the community.

  4. Make sure everyone in your organization is aware of Summer Meals and is able to share resources for finding a meal location with your visitors (Dial 2-1-1 or visit

  5. Share key messages with larger groups of parents and community members at meetings, events, or faith-based services.

Summer Meals messages:

+ For community members

Kids and teens in your neighborhoood can get a delicious meal for free and have a safe place to hang out with their friends. Dial 2-1-1 and ask about a Summer Meals location near you.

+ For parents

Let summer meals help make sure your kids are eating healthy and staying active this summer, so you can focus on other important family needs. Dial 2-1-1 to find a meal near you.

Kids who eat healthy and stay active during the summer will retain more of what they learned in school each year and will be better prepared once the summer is over.

+ For kids

Summer Meals locations are a great place to hang out with friends, do fun summer activities and get a tasty meal. Visit your local R-Center or have a parent dial 2-1-1 to find the nearest location.

Downloadable tools (right-click + download linked file):